Dry Mouth Causes: Diseases and Health Conditions
Dry Mouth is often triggered by certain diseases or conditions including Sjögren’s syndrome, scleroderma, diabetes mellitus, Parkinson's disease, anxiety, depression and rheumatoid arthritis.
Health Conditions that Can Cause Dry Mouth Include:
- Sjögren’s syndrome
- Diabetes
- Scleroderma
- Parkinson’s disease
Understanding Dry Mouth and Diseases
- One of the most common symptoms of diabetes is Dry Mouth.
- Nearly all people with Sjögren’s syndrome experience Dry Mouth.
- A common symptom of Scleroderma is Dry Mouth.
- Dry Mouth has been reported by 60% of Parkinson's disease patients.
Talk to Your Doctor
If you suspect an underlying health problem could be causing your Dry Mouth, see your doctor as soon as possible to discuss your symptoms. In the meantime, you can easily alleviate the symptoms of Dry Mouth through good oral hygiene and the use of specially formulated products such as Biotène® Moisturizing Mouth Spray, Oral Rinse and Moisturizing Gel.